ADM for March 14: NH Senate votes March 17 on gerrymandered Congressional & Executive Council Maps

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After months of promising an open and fair process, the NH Senate Election Law Committee voted last Monday to recommend two rigged voting districts for U.S. Congress and NH Executive Council to the full Senate. The NH Senate will vote on the gerrymandered maps on Thursday, March 17.

Amendments to these maps have been rumored for months, but Republican party hardliners pressured the Election Law Committee to make no changes, despite almost universal condemnation in hearings in the NH House and Senate committees. The Congressional map gerrymanders to make both districts uncompetitive, guaranteeing the outcome of the election. The Executive Council map is a repeat of the 2010 “Dragon District,” which packs liberal-leaning towns into District 2, leaving adjoining districts more conservative.

While Governor Chris Sununu has made statements asking for a redrawing of the maps, there is no evidence that the Governor’s office has made counter proposals. It looks increasingly as if his comments were orchestrated for political cover rather than protection on the voters.

Whether floor amendments will be proposed Thursday is an open question. If the maps are approved, they head to Governor Sununu’s desk.

Granny D said, “Democracy is not something we HAVE, it’s something we DO.”

For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.

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