American Democracy Minute for May 4, 2022: CA Assembly Committee Advances Bill Banning Foreign Influence in State Elections

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A glimmer of good news from California to share on the Money-in-Politics front today. Last week, AB1819 advanced out of the California State Assembly’s Election Law committee, which prohibits “foreign-influenced business entities” from spending money in the state’s elections and ballot initiatives. This includes the use of “straw man” entities where money is given to someone who doesn’t work for the company makes the contribution.

As foreign company holdings in the US has increased, so has their influence. The Federal Elections Commission recently levied the largest campaign finance fine ever on a Canadian steel executive who used his Pennsylvania subsidiary to illegally contribute $1.75 million dollars to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

A frequent tool of foreign companies wanting to make anonymous contributions to campaigns and political action committees has been Limited Liability Corporations, which make the donations in the company’s name, not the actual donors. A 2020 report called “Mystery Money” by campaign finance reform group Issue One demonstrates how this is done, and the havoc it can wreak on U.S. Elections.

AB 1819 is headed next to the Appropriations committee as it winds throught the California legislature.

Visit to find Issue One’s report and more information on AB 1819 at advocacy group Free Speech for People.

Granny D said, “Democracy is not something we HAVE, it’s something we DO.” For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.

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