American Democracy Minute for July 11, 2022: Where Does the Redistricting Process Stand Around the U.S.? 

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Today’s Links:
Ballotpedia –  Status of redistricting after the 2020 census
Brennan Center for Justice – Redistricting Litigation Roundup
FiveThirtyEight – What Redistricting Looks Like In Every State
Groups Taking Action:
League of Women Voters People Powered Maps Project
Democracy Docket, ACLU

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Ballotpedia has issued a summary of the 2022 redistricting efforts around the country after the litigation dust has started to settle. Forty-nine states have now completed their state house and senate districts, and all the Congressional districts have been decided for the 2022 midterm elections.

Forty-four states made changes to their Congressional districts. Populations in six states didn’t change significantly, and legislatures opted not to change the boundaries. Ballotpedia reports that 97.5% of state Senate seats and 98.2% of House seats have been drawn.

The Brennan Center for Justice just updated their numbers on redistricting litigation, and as of July 1, a total of 72 cases have been filed in 26 states chal­len­ging congres­sional and state maps as racial or partisan gerry­manders.
Litig­a­tion also resul­ted in redrawn maps in Alaska, Mary­land, New York, North Caro­lina, and Ohio in time for the 2022 elec­tions. And recently the U.S. Supreme Court issued stays on court-ordered maps in Alabama & Louisiana, with Alabama’s case to be heard in October. Forty-five cases are still pending in the lower courts around the country.
Now there’s the specter of a North Carolina redistricting case which will test the “independent state legislature” theory, an argument which give state legislatures supreme power over all election rules – even over state constitutions and the courts.
Links to this data and groups taking action are available at

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