Today’s Links
Washington Post – Wisconsin anti-voting-fraud activist commits voter fraud to make a point
WISN – Racine County man admits to voter fraud to prove a point
Wisconsin Public Radio – Racine County man admits to fraudulent requests for absentee ballots in effort to criticize state voting system
Groups Taking Action:
League of Women Voters Wisconsin, Common Cause WI
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
It’s tin foil hat week here at the American Democracy Minute. We told you yesterday about the county election official in Nye County, Nevada who had had enough of election conspiracy theories and resigned. Now to Wisconsin, where an activist took it upon himself to commit election fraud to prove it was possible – in a state that had no significant fraud issues in 2020.
The Washington Post and local ABC affiliate WISN report that Harry Wait of Racine County, Wisconsin submitted a request for an absentee ballot, pretending to be the mayor of Racine, Cory Mason, and another request pretending to be the Wisconsin Assembly speaker, Robin Vos.
Wait, who leads a local government watchdog group, said he wanted to prove it was possible, and was willing to risk arrest, quote, “for the good of the community.” He also submitted absentee ballot requests for six others with their permission, which is also illegal.
In Wisconsin, as in all states, such actions are against the law. The elected officials whose right to vote could have been compromised were not amused.
Mayor Mason said this in an interview with WISN: “”For a long time, there have been people so desperate to find election fraud that I think Mr. Wait has become the very thing that he claims to despise, which is apparently a felon who will steal somebody’s vote.” So far, Wait has not been charged.
Read more at AmericanDemocracyMinute.org.
Granny D said Democracy is not something we have, it’s something we DO. For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.