ADM for Aug. 17, 2022: Michigan Big Lie Voting Machine Tampering Conspiracy May Have Involved More States

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Brennan Center’s examples of voting equipment tampering attempts from an Aug. 11 memo to election officials around the country.

Today’s Links


Washington Post – Michigan plot to breach voting machines points to a national pattern
Washington Post – Trump-allied lawyers pursued voting machine data in multiple states, records reveal
NBC News – Michigan AG probe alleges GOP opponent involved in unauthorized voting machine access
Brennan Center – Memo to State Associations of Election Officials

Groups Taking Action:
The Brennan Center for Justice 

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

We reported in June and again last week about the widening Big Lie voting machine tampering conspiracy in Michigan implicating a GOP candidate for attorney general.  Now, reporting in the Washington Post suggests the conspiracy may have been coordinated nationally, similar to the fake presidential elector scheme.

In Michigan, a special prosecutor has been requested by Michigan’s sitting attorney general, because her apparent opponent, Matthew DePerno, may have coordinated the breaking into one or more ballot tabulators.

Then on August 11th, the Brennan Center for Justice issued a memo to state associations of election officials warning of “insider” threats to election security. Brennan recommended steps officials can take should they be approached about access to voting machines, or if the machines are breached.

The memo cited dozens of resources and news articles, and gave examples in Georgia, Colorado, Pennsylvania and numerous examples in Michigan, where access was attempted by or given to, third parties looking for fraudulent voting data.  In some cases it was partisan law enforcement officers who approached the clerks.

In addition to reporting incidents to state election officials, the Brennan Center recommends communicating quickly and clearly to the public.  Remediation for compromised machines means they will need to be replaced in order to restore public faith in the system at a huge expense to municipalities.  Big lies have consequences. 

See articles and the Brennan Center’s memo    For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.

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