The American Democracy Minute Radio Report for Nov. 24, 2022
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Brennan Center – Voter Intimidation and Election Worker Intimidation Resource Guide
Democracy Fund – Democracy partners database
NBC News – Election deniers overwhelmingly lost in battleground states
Groups Taking Action:
League of Women Voters, Common Cause, Public Citizen, League of United Latin American Citizens, NAACP
Today’s Script: (Variations occur with audio due to editing for time)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
Our democracy has been under threat in states around the country, and we at the American Democracy Minute want to express our gratitude for it and its resilience in these past two years.
We’re grateful for our friends and neighbors who are poll workers. They step up to make sure our elections are among the most well run and secure elections in the world. And they do this in the face of disinformation from bad actors trying to sow doubt about our election system, and sometimes even under personal threat.
We’re grateful for courageous leaders who, at the risk of losing their seats and even their lives, have spoken out against the lies which have been knowingly used by their fellow politicians to further partisan power. All Americans who care about our system of government owe them a debt of gratitude.
We’re grateful for the hundreds of nonprofit groups which diligently organize at the state level, assist voters to register and vote, and pressure state legislatures to advance reforms so ALL eligible citizens can exercise their sacred freedom to vote.
And finally, we’re grateful to you, the voters, who do your homework on candidates, weed out the election deniers, and choose responsible, honorable leaders. Thank you, and please continue to protect your democracy by voting, urging your friends and family to vote, and by staying involved in your government.
We have links to articles and resources at For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.