The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for May 4, 2023

Today’s Script: (Variations occur with audio due to editing for time)
Today’s Links now below the script
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
America’s voters should pay attention to an Ohio state constitutional amendment to make its statewide ballot initiative process harder. The process to pass it is just about as ugly as the anti-voter resolution itself.
The Ohio House & Senate passed House Joint Resolution 1 in March, which raises the bar to pass statewide citizen ballot initiatives to 60% from the simple 50%+1 majority in place since 1912. The proposed hurdle now needs voter ratification – urgently in the eyes of those who want to stop a proposal to constitutionally enshrine abortion rights headed for the November ballot.
What’s a gerrymandered legislature to do? The Ohio Capital Journal reports that Senate Bill 92 restores an August 8th special election date which had been eliminated just months ago because of low turnout, just 8% on average, and it’s expense, estimated at $20 million dollars. Those statistics didn’t deter the Ohio Senate from passing SB 92, or in the House, where it’s likely to pass before May 10th. Governor Mike DeWine has pledged to sign it – despite having just signed the bill to repeal it last year.
The formidable bipartisan opposition includes former Ohio governors and over 200 groups, but so far, the legislature seems more interested in partisanship than precedent or people.
We have links to the legislation, articles, and groups taking action at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
BallotPedia – History of Initiative & Referendum in Ohio
Office of the Ohio Attorney General – Current Ballot Initiative and Referendum Processes
Ohio House – House Joint Resolution 1
Ohio Capital Journal – Revived measure to require 60% for Ohio constitutional amendments gets first hearing
Associated Press – Abortion-rights proposal moves a step closer to Ohio ballot
Ohio Capitol Journal – Ohio House begins hearings to bring back August elections
The Columbus Dispatch – Ex-Ohio GOP Govs. John Kasich, Bob Taft blast plan to make it harder to amend constitution – Gov. Mike DeWine says he would sign bill allowing August election to decide constitution change
Ohio Capital Journal – (Commentary) Bipartisan opposition makes Ohio Republican August election, minority-rule power grab look absurd
Groups Taking Action:
Common Cause OH Action page, League of Women Voters OH, Ohio Voter Rights Coalition, All Voting is Local
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