Voting Options & Poll Worker Protection Laws Move Forward in Delaware, Connecticut & Oklahoma

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for May 9, 2023

Illustration by American Democracy Minute Radio Report

Voting Options & Poll Worker Protection Laws Move Forward in Delaware, Connecticut & Oklahoma
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Today’s Script:  (Variations occur with audio due to editing for time) 

Today’s Links now below the script

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

We have three pro-Democracy stories out of Delaware, Connecticut and Oklahoma today, two proposing to expand voting options, and one just signed to protect poll workers from intimidation.

First to Delaware, which last year passed a law to implement no-excuse absentee mail-in voting, only to have its state supreme court strike it down as unconstitutional.  Delaware Public Media reports that Senate Bill 3 proposes to change the state constitution to remove currently required excuses for use of absentee voting.  S3 passed the state senate and now moves to a house committee. 

Connecticut is well on its way to expanding in-person early voting.  One of only four states not offering some form of early voting, the Connecticut Mirror reports bipartisan bill HB-5004 would add 14 days of early in-person voting for general elections, seven days for state and local primaries, and four days for special elections and Presidential primaries.  It’s expected to pass the Senate and be signed by Gov. Ned Lamont.

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed SB 481 May 1st, making it a misdemeanor to threaten, intimidate or harass election workers, or to release their personal information.  Doing so is punishable by up to six months in jail and up to a $1,000 fine.  The bill also makes impersonating an election official subject to the same penalties.

We have links to the bills, articles, and groups taking action at  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Delaware Legislature –  Bill Information for S 3
Delaware Public Media – Delaware Senate passes first leg of constitutional amendment to allow no-excuse absentee voting
Connecticut Legislature – Bill Information for HB 5004
Connecticut Mirror – House passes bill to bring early voting to Connecticut
Oklahoma Legislature –  Bill Information for SB 481
The Oklahoman – Election Board head praises Senate Bill 481 to protect Oklahoma election officials

Groups Taking Action:
Delaware Voting Rights CoalitionLeague of Women Voters DE, Common Cause CT, Connecticut Citizen Action Group, Common Cause OK, League of Women Voters OK

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