North Carolina Legislators Propose Boilerplate Bills Suppressing Mail-in and Election Day Registration Voters

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 5, 2023

Today’s Script: 
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Today’s Links now below the script

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

We’re in North Carolina today awaiting action by the U.S. Supreme Court on Moore vs. Harper, the Independent State Legislature theory test case, and we just learned about a new bill shortening mail-in ballot deadlines and implementing provisional ballots for election-day registrants.

A ruling from the high court is expected this week or next on Moore v. Harper, the fringe constitutional theory that state legislatures have ultimate power over election law, even over gubernatorial vetoes and court decisions.  

New anti-democracy legislation has also been filed in North Carolina, using boilerplate bills drafted by a group that Raleigh’s WRAL reports is run by Cleta Mitchell, head of former President Trump’s legal team attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election.   

The proposed legislation requires receipt of mail-in ballots by 7:30 pm election day, rather than the third day after, and implements two-factor identification for mail ballots.   It would allow “challenges” to voter eligibility by other precinct voters, a voter suppression tactic and a burden for election workers.   The bill also requires voters registering on election day to use a provisional ballot, and not count it until the voter’s address is verified by mail or additional documents are provided.

Despite little or no evidence of fraud, politicians backing such voter suppression legislation claim it allays public doubt about elections – doubt of their own making.

We have more at, I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
The Guardian – US supreme court end-of-term decisions could transform key areas of public life
The Brennan Center for Justice – Moore v. Harper, Explained
Democracy Docket – North Carolina Republicans Introduce Election Bill Influenced by GOP Operatives
WRAL – NC lawmakers expected to roll out major election law changes, with input from former Trump lawyer
North Carolina Legislature – SB 747 as Introduced

Groups Taking Action:
Common Cause NC, Democracy North Carolina, North Carolina Black Alliance, Action NC, League of Women Voters NC 

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