The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 14, 2023

Today’s Script: (Variations occur with audio due to editing for time)
Today’s Links now below the script
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
June 12th, Connecticut became the sixth state to pass a state-level voting rights act, adding pro-voter protections gutted from the federal Voting Rights Act by the U.S. Supreme Court. Other states are considering similar proposals.
On Monday, Governor Ned Lamont signed the state’s budget bill, amended with the addition of HB 6941, the John L. Lewis Voting Rights Act of Connecticut. The 78-page amendment allows the state to establish “preclearance” procedures and remedies for municipalities which violate voting access rules, and spells out prohibitions of any voter registration, voter eligibility or voting rule which QUOTE “results in an impairment of the right to vote for any protected class member.”
Among many other provisions, the new law also expressly prohibits “intimidation, deception or obstruction that interfere with any elector’s right to vote,” and instructs the courts to act with a pro-voter philosophy to encourage citizen participation. It also expands non-English voting materials, and gives voters additional tools to petition the court.
Connecticut joins California, New York, Oregon, Virginia and Washington in passing state VRAs. Still pending are proposals in Michigan and New Jersey. Democracy advocates are closely watching a challenge to Washington State’s VRA just heard in the state supreme court in May.
We have a link to the new law, plus analysis and groups taking action, at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Campaign Legal Center – Protecting the Freedom to Vote through State Voting Rights Acts
Connecticut Legislature – John L. Lewis Voting Rights Act of Connecticut
Democracy Docket – Connecticut Legislature Sends State Voting Rights Act to Governor
CT Mirror – Gov. Ned Lamont signs CT voting rights act into law
Groups Taking Action:
ACLU CT, Common Cause CT, Hispanic Federation, League of Women Voters CT, Legal Defense Fund and other Coalition members.
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