The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 28, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time)
Today’s Links now below the script
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
New Hampshire’s former Secretary of State once said, “You can’t hack a pencil.” That 19th century philosophy resulted in the Granite State falling behind most of the country in its voting technology and election law. Last week, it got worse, not better.
As the end of the 2023 session drew near, a House and Senate Committee worked to hash out differences on Senate Bill 70, a proposed “online portal” for citizens to submit documents and register to vote. Any registrations would be reviewed by local town election officials before approval. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 42 states provide online voter registration.
The New Hampshire Bulletin reports that the House Election Law committee had earlier amended the portal bill to include replacement of the state’s vintage 1980s ballot tabulation machines using federal grant money, opposed by Senate leaders. Infighting ensued, and the online portal bill failed – again.
What did pass was nothing to celebrate. Buried in New Hampshire’s recently-passed budget was an amendment eliminating limits on money which could be donated directly to a candidate by political action committees, limited liability corporations and 501c nonprofits. Party leaders argue that mandatory reporting of those transactions makes it transparent, but LLCs and nonprofits are not required to disclose donors, keeping citizens in the dark on who is buying influence in THEIR state house.
We have articles and groups taking action at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
New Hampshire Bulletin – Online voter registration bill fails after lawmaker infighting
NH Union Leader – Election reform ‘marriage’ ends in divorce
National Conference of State Legislatures – Online Voter Registration
New Hampshire Bulletin – The budget removes limits on campaign donations. Not all are thrilled.
NH General Court (Legislature) – SB 70 as Amended by the NH House
Groups Taking Action:
Open Democracy Action, New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights, League of Women Voters NH
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