The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Aug. 10, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
Ohio Voters Defeat Republican Effort to Raise Citizen Ballot Initiative Passage to 60% in Victory for Direct Democracy
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
With an unofficial 57% to 43% margin, Ohio voters soundly defeated the effort by the Republican-majority legislature to raise the threshold for passage of citizen ballot initiatives. Issue one would have also required minimum numbers of qualifying signatures in 88 counties rather than the current 44.
Almost 700,000 citizens voted early, and just over 3 million votes were cast out of just under 8 million registered voters, 38.5%. Turnout for last year’s primary election was 52%. Still, the legislature’s tactic to slip Issue 1 past voters in a historically low-turnout August election failed, with heavy turnout around Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, according to the Associated Press.
With the 50% + 1 threshold preserved, voters now consider the “Ohio Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Initiative, which has already gathered the signatures necessary to qualify for the ballot. A USA Today/Suffolk University poll suggests that 58% of Ohioans support the November initiative.
Ohio will be the seventh state to consider a referendum on abortion rights. California, Vermont & Michigan enshrined reproductive freedom in their constitutions, while voters in Kansas, Kentucky and Montana defeated efforts to limit abortions in THEIR states.
We have links to details on Issue 1’s defeat and groups taking action at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Politico – (2022) Republicans look to restrict ballot measures following a string of progressive wins
Ohio Secretary of State – Aug. 8 Special Election Results on Issue 1
Associated Press – Voters in Ohio reject GOP-backed proposal that would have made it tougher to protect abortion rights
CNBC – Ohio voters reject GOP effort to cripple abortion rights amendment
BallotPedia – 2022 abortion-related ballot measures
BallotPedia – Ohio Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative (2023)
Groups Taking Action:
One Person One Vote, Ohio Voter Rights Coalition, Ohio Citizen Action, Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights, All Voting is Local
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