Proposed Rule Change Could Make the Feckless Federal Election Commission Even Less Effective

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Sept. 18, 2023

Today’s Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

The feckless Federal Election Commission may become even less effective.  A proposed rules change would task the usually deadlocked FEC commissioners with authorizing all campaign finance investigations, likely bringing meaningful accountability to a standstill.

The Intercept reports that a proposal by FEC Commissioner Allan Dickerson would require FEC commissioners to authorize all proposed investigations from its Office of General Counsel.  Currently, cases receive a preliminary investigation by the professional staff, then recommendations are brought to the commission to authorize further action.

The change would effectively shut down any investigations threatening partisan power.  The FEC has six commissioners, three Democrats and three Republicans, and routinely deadlocks on violations.  Among its notorious non-decisions was deadlocking on Trump hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels – a clear violation of federal campaign finance laws.  Donald Trump prevailed in 43 campaign finance cases due to partisan deadlocks at the FEC, according to the Daily Beast.

Early in 2023, the Campaign Legal Center asked the FEC to investigate NY Congressman George Santos, saying in a statement: “As the agency responsible for enforcing America’s campaign finance laws, the FEC owes it to the public to find out the truth about how George Santos raised and spent the money he used to run for public office, and to ensure accountability for Santos’s illegal conduct.” UNQUOTE  This FEC rule change would likely ensure such an investigation never takes place.  

We have more at  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Federal Election Commissioner Alan Dickerson – Investigations Conducted by the Office of General Counsel
The Daily Beast – How the Hell Is Trump 43-0 vs. Campaign Finance Watchdogs?

Federal Election Commission – Commission Meetings
Federal Election Commission – Contact phone numbers and emails
Campaign Legal Center – CLC Files FEC Complaint Against Rep. George Santos for Violating Campaign Finance Laws
Campaign Legal Center – Why the FEC Is Ineffective

Groups Taking Action:

Common Cause, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Campaign Legal Center

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#Democracy  #DemocracyNews #FixtheFEC #FederalElectionsCommission #CampaignFinanceReform