Federal Appeals Court Sides With Florida Legislature, Upholding Restrictions on Voter Assistance and Mail-In Voting

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Sept. 27, 2023

Today’s Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

September 21st, a federal appeals court refused to rehear a challenge to Florida’s restrictive voting law SB 90, letting an April 2023 appeals decision stand. Florida voters who use mail-in voting should be paying attention.  

After Donald Trump’s loss in 2020, Florida and other conservative states implemented wide-ranging voting restrictions under the guise of “election integrity.”  SB 90 bans voter assistance used by African American voting advocacy groups like offering chairs, water and snacks to voters waiting in line, and requires disclaimers for voter registration assistance.

SB 90 also requires mail-in voters to apply every election cycle – a burden on the elderly and disabled– eliminates unattended drop boxes, and requires a Florida driver’s license, state ID, or Social Security number to even apply for a mail-in ballot.

In 2022, much of the law was struck down, citing Florida’s record of intentional barriers to voting, but in April 2023, the decision was reversed by a three judge panel, the majority finding that the legislature’s laws weren’t discriminatory.  Democracy groups asked for a rehearing, which the court denied last week 2-1.  In refusing the case, the majority stated, “The record reveals a stark lack of evidence of discriminatory intent of the PRESENT Florida legislature.”    

Florida voters must now re-apply for their mail ballots prior to March 7th, 2024 to participate in the March 19th Presidential Preference Primary. The voter registration deadline is 29 days before that date.

We have more at AmericanDemocracyMinute.org.  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Democracy Docket –  (2022) Three Trial Takeaways: Florida’s Voter Suppression Law
Florida Phoenix – (2022) 11th Circuit frees Florida to enforce limits on voter registration, ballot drop boxes
Politico – Appeals court upholds Florida voting restrictions approved by GOP lawmakers
11th Circuit Court of Appeals via Democracy Docket – April 2023 League of Women Voters vs. Florida Secretary of State
Democracy Docket – 11th Circuit Upholds Most of Florida’s Major 2021 Voter Suppression Law
WUSF – In a victory for Gov. Ron DeSantis and Republican legislators, a full federal appeals court Thursday declined to take up a challenge to a 2021 Florida elections law that opponents contend discriminated against Black voters.
Florida Phoenix – Eleventh Circuit won’t budge, reaffirms Florida’s 2021 voting restrictions law
11th Circuit Court of Appeals -Sept. 2023 – League of Women Voters vs. Florida Secretary of State

Groups Taking Action:
League of Women Voters of Florida, Southern Poverty Law Center, Fair Elections Center, Harriet Tubman Freedom Fighters 

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