The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Nov. 16, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
Closed primaries keep independents, the fastest growing block of voters, from voting in a Republican or Democratic primary. To include unaffiliated voters and offer all voters more choice, states like Nevada and Arizona are considering fully open primaries and “Top 5” races.
Open primaries generally means that any unaffiliated voter may choose to vote in a Republican or Democratic primary, but there are variations. Maine switches in 2024 to a “semi-open” primary, allowing independents to vote without temporarily having to switch their affiliation.
A 2020 ballot measure in Alaska switched the state to a single ballot, or blanket, primary for its congressional election, where all candidates are on a single ballot, the top 4 candidates move forward, and ranked choice voting is used to select a winner. In 2024, Nevada votes to confirm an earlier vote on a constitutional amendment implementing a similar “Top 5” system, and signature collection just started for two similar ballot measures in Arizona.
Open primaries allow more choices for voters, and can encourage candidates to be more moderate. In a state like Alaska, where 58% of voters are independent, Congresswoman Mary Pertola ran with a positive campaign appealing to ALL voters and ultimately prevailed over former governor Sarah Palin. Palin ran a largely negative campaign focused on her party opponents.
We have more on how open primaries work at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
National Conference of State Legislatures – State Primary Election Types
BallotPedia – Voter Registration by Party
League of Women Voters/Bangor Daily News – Maine is about to open party primaries to hundreds of thousands more voters
Axios – Arizonans may vote on three ballot measures on the future of primary elections
Nevada Current – Alaska offers perspective for Nevadans pondering open primary/ranked choice voting reform
Open Primaries – Primary Rules in Your State
Groups Taking Action:
Open Primaries Maine, Open Primaries, Unite America, Vote Nevada, Yes on 3 NV, Better Ballot AZ, Voter Choice AZ, Alaskans for Better Elections
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