The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Nov. 23, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
After months of campaigning, intrigue, impeachment threats, and partisan hard ball, oral arguments were finally heard November 21st on the constitutionality of extreme gerrymanders in Wisconsin’s state assembly and senate maps.
As we’ve reported, the election of Justice Janet Protasiewicz in April changed the partisan make-up of the Wisconsin supreme court. During the race, Protaseiwicz had stated the state’s voting districts were “rigged,” which had state GOP leaders demanding she recuse herself or be impeached. She did not recuse.
The larger part of the arguments concerned the state constitution’s definition of “contiguity,” and whether the voting districts are as compact and connected as mandated in the constitution. Most of the state’s districts are not compact, and as many as 75 are not contiguous, forming “municipal islands.”
A decade of manipulation of the districts has led to an inflated GOP majority in the legislature, despite almost equal numbers of Republican and Democratic voters. This manipulation resulted in a 64 to 35 majority in the Wisconsin Assembly, and a 22 to 11 majority in the Senate.
Lawyers representing a conservative group argued that the case should have been filed earlier, and attorneys for GOP Assembly members suggested that new maps could unseat reps elected under the existing maps just last fall.
A decision on the case is expected early next year. We have links to more details at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Wisconsin Examiner – Wisconsin Supreme Court hears oral arguments in case over political maps
The Guardian – Wisconsin supreme court appears poised to strike down legislative maps and end Republican dominance
Democracy Docket – What Happened in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Redistricting Oral Argument
The Hill – Wisconsin Supreme Court hearing over redistricting case turns testy
Marquette Law – The balance of power in Wisconsin’s Assembly under alternative maps
ProPublica – Wisconsin’s Legislative Maps Are Bizarre, but Are They Illegal?
Princeton Gerrymandering Project – Wisconsin Assembly, Senate and Congressional Districts
Groups Taking Action:
Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition, Common Cause Wisconsin, Represent.Us WI, Fair Elections Project
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