The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Nov. 30, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
A former New Hampshire GOP State Representative who repeatedly voted for so-called “election integrity” laws, has been arrested for a Class B felony of Wrongful Voting, among other fraud charges.
State Representative Troy Merner resigned in September after allegations surfaced that he voted in the Town of Lancaster’s election in March 2023, despite having moved to Carroll, NH, 15 miles away. Carroll is also outside the boundaries of Coos County District 1, which he had represented since 2016.
In the state attorney general’s statement, Merner apparently not only voted in a town in which was not domiciled, he also allegedly falsified the mileage reimbursement documents he submitted as a state representative.
WMUR reports that Merner told investigators he didn’t think he had done anything wrong. But in 2017, Merner voted for SB 3, a voter-suppression bill passed and signed by the governor, which tightened domicile rules to keep college students from voting in state and local elections. The law was later struck down by the courts. He also voted for “affidavit ballots,” which are conditional on a new voter proving his or her residency, and for several other anti-voter bills.
If convicted, the Wrongful Voting felony charge would prohibit Merner from ever voting in New Hampshire again. The falsification charges are misdemeanors, and jail time is unlikely.
We have a link to local reporting and the AG’s statement at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
New Hampshire Public Radio – AG investigation finds NH lawmaker lived outside of his district for more than a year
New Hampshire Attorney General – Former State Representative Troy E. Merner Arrested for Wrongful Voting and Other Charges
WMUR – Former New Hampshire state rep accused of wrongful voting; other charges filed
NH Legislature – Final Text of SB 3 Voting Domicile Bill (Later struck down by NH Supreme Court)
NH Municipal Association – Voter Registration Law Changes: Senate Voting Domicile Bill 3 (Later struck down by NH Supreme Court)
NH Legislature – SB3 Roll Call Vote
BallotPedia – NH Coos County House District 1 Map and Recent Elections
Groups Taking Action:
Open Democracy Action, League of Women Voters NH, NH Youth Movement
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