The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Dec. 1, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
In November 2022, Michigan voters passed a constitutional amendment enshrining voting protections and expanding ballot access. Throughout 2023, the legislature codified those mandates, and passed additional reforms, making Michigan one of the year’s democracy bright spots.
Proposition 2 mandates nine days of early voting, postage for mail-in ballots, a permanent absentee voter list, protections for both voters and election workers from harassment, and a tracking system for absentee ballots. It allows for the funding of secure drop boxes, and the counting of military and overseas ballots if postmarked by election day. It clarifies that only the ballots cast determines election outcomes, only the election board certifies that outcome, and that audits are supervised by the Secretary of State, not third parties.
The pro-voter legislature, backed by a democracy-friendly governor, implemented most of those mandates this year. But Bolts Magazine reports that legislators went even further. Automatic voter registration was extended to additional state agencies and tribal nation offices, including the first U.S law to automatically register formerly incarcerated citizens. Another bill repealed a law banning groups from paying for providing rides to the polls.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has yet to sign two bills allowing same-day registrants to vote without provisional ballot status, and to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to register early.
We have a link to the Bolts Magazine article and Michigan’s model legislation at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
BallotPedia – Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022)
Michigan Live – Michiganders pass Proposal 2, amending the state constitution to expand voting rights
Office of the Governor of Michigan – Gov. Whitmer Signs Bipartisan Legislation Expanding Voting Rights
League of Women Voters MI – List of Bills Implementing Proposition 2 – Update July 17, 2023
Michigan Advance – Lawmakers close out year with election reforms like 16 and 17 year old voting pre-registration
Bolts Magazine – Michigan Democrats Sprint Through ‘Pro-Voter’ Agenda to Close Out 2023
Groups Taking Action:
Voters Not Politicians, Secure Democracy USA, Michigan State Conference of the NAACP, League of Women Voters MI
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