The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Jan. 4, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
After Ohio voters defeated a GOP attempt last year to make it harder to pass ballot initiatives, democracy groups are now proposing two constitutional amendment ballot measures to expand voting rights, and fix Ohio’s failed redistricting system.
The Ohio Organizing Collaborative and Citizens Not Politicians are launching efforts to amend the Ohio constitution to expand voting rights and establish a truly independent redistricting commission. Ohioans endured three years of state and federal litigation after the politician-led commission and legislature proposed gerrymandered voting district maps, later rejected by the Ohio Supreme Court.
The “Citizens Not Politicians” amendment would create a transparent, 15-member citizen commission made up of voters registered as Republicans, Democrats and independents, and make it unconstitutional to draw voting districts that favor or disfavor any party or politician.
The “Secure and Fair Elections” amendment would implement an automatic voter registration system at the state’s motor vehicle offices, allow election day registration, give counties flexibility to expand early voting days, and implement a sworn affidavit system for voters without acceptable ID. December 28th, the Ohio Attorney General rejected the language of the Secure and Fair amendment as too vague, but is allowing the organizers to resubmit new language. Both campaigns are in their early stages, and must collect over 413,000 verified signatures.
We have more information on both initiatives and the groups taking action at I’m Brian Beihl
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
NPR – Ohio voters reject measure that would have made it harder to change constitution
Ohio Capital Journal – Signature collection can begin anew after Ohio redistricting amendment passes next step
Citizens Not Politicians – Language for Fair Redistricting “Citizens Not Politicians” Amendment – Ohio could see ballot issue expanding voting access on November 2024 ballot
Dayton Daily News – Ohio AG rejects summary language of amendment to protect, expand voting rights
Democracy Docket – Ohio Attorney General Rejects Language For Expansive Voting Rights Amendment
Ohio Attorney General – Letter Rejecting Language of the Secure and Fair Elections amendment
Groups Taking Action:
Citizens Not Politicians, Ohio Organizing Colaborative, Common Cause OH, League of Women Voters OH
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#Democracy #DemocracyNews #FairMaps #EndGerrymandering #OhioPolitics #CitizensNotPoliticians #SecureandFairElections