The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Jan. 26, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
We have updates on two Florida anti-voter court cases, a racial gerrymandering case which will finally be heard by the Florida Supreme Court, and another, restricting third-party voter registration organizations, is headed to a federal appeals court.
In early 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed his legislature’s Congressional redistricting map to instead pass one of his own, which eliminated a majority minority Black district in north Florida. It’s been in litigation ever since. On January 24th, the Florida Supreme Court agreed to hear the case.
The DeSantis map eliminated the majority Black Fifth Congressional District, costing Black Floridians the chance to elect the candidate of their choice. Voters and democracy groups sued, contending it was a violation of the Florida Constitution’s Fair Districts amendment, adopted by voters in 2012.
The Federal 11th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear a challenge to another DeSantis-backed voter suppression bill, S.B. 7050, which among several anti-voter provisions, restricts the efforts of third-party voter registration groups. The bill also limits assistance with mail-in ballots, affecting the elderly and disabled.
Civil rights and democracy groups contend the provisions violate the 1st and 14th Amendments, and Section 208 of the Voting Rights Act. A District court blocked the law last July, but the State of Florida appealed.
We have more on the cases and the groups taking action at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
NPR – Florida lawmakers let DeSantis draw a congressional map after he vetoed the last one
Democracy Docket – Florida Congressional Redistricting Challenge (Black Voters Matter)
The Hill – Federal court blocks Florida election law
Democracy Docket – Florida Omnibus Voter Suppression Law Challenge (NAACP)
Florida Phoenix – FL third-party voting registration orgs prepare to defend preliminary victory in appellate court
Groups Taking Action:
Redistricting: Black Voters Matter, Common Cause Florida, League of Women Voters of Florida, Equal Ground Education Fund, Florida Rising Together
SB 7050: Florida State Conference of Branches and Youth Units of the NAACP, Hispanic Federation Florida, Equal Ground Education Fund, Voters of Tomorrow Florida, Disability Rights Florida, Alianza for Progress, UnidosUS, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
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