The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Jan. 30, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
After having its earlier state assembly and senate maps thrown out by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in early January, the Wisconsin legislature tried to preserve its partisan advantage with its new maps. But it won’t have the last word.
The Wisconsin Examiner reports that January 23rd, the Wisconsin Senate passed maps which attempt to protect incumbent districts. Governor Tony Evers posted on Twitter, “Moving legislative district lines so GOP-gerrymandered incumbents get to keep their seats is just more gerrymandering. ”
After a gerrymandering-friendly court flipped to a pro-voter majority in 2023, the court threw out Wisconsin’s state legislative maps as not “contiguous” as required by the state constitution. Seven new maps submitted by the legislature, democracy groups and plaintiff groups ranged from a status quo, heavy Republican advantage, to very competitive with a slight Republican edge.
The Senate’s new maps, though contiguous, rearrange Governor Tony Evers’ maps in an effort to protect GOP incumbents. The Senate also created a firestorm after releasing the 169-page map proposal 24 hours before a Tuesday Senate vote, a tactic allowing no analysis by experts or the public.
The undemocratic tactic is not likely to work. Evers is likely to veto the maps, punting the decision back to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which, with the help of two outside consultants, will choose among the submissions.
We have links to more on these maps at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
CBS News – The Wisconsin Supreme Court has thrown out the GOP-drawn district maps. That could mean a huge change for the purple state
Wisconsin Examiner – Seven sets of legislative maps submitted to Supreme Court, most would reduce GOP advantage
Wisconsin Examiner – Senate Republicans pass last-ditch effort to institute maps that protect incumbents
Associated Press – Wisconsin’s Democratic governor promises to veto last-ditch Republican redistricting effort
Governor Tony Evers – State of the State Address
WI Supreme Court – Map and Document Filings
Groups Taking Action:
Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition, Common Cause Wisconsin, Represent.Us WI, Fair Elections Project
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