Suspected Senders Identified in AI-Generated Robo Calls Faking Joe Biden’s Voice Before New Hampshire’s Presidential Primary

Today’s Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

The weekend before the New Hampshire Presidential Primary, some Democratic voters received robo calls with an AI-generated voice sounding like President Joe Biden, suggesting they not vote.  February 6th, the New Hampshire Attorney General and Federal Communications Commission announced actions against the companies allegedly responsible.

In a press conference Tuesday, State Attorney General John Formella confirmed President Joe Biden’s voice was generated by AI, and had reached between 5,000 and 25,000 voters.   The voice told voters,  “It’s important that you save your vote for the November election,” and “Your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday.” 

Joe Biden’s name was not on the ballot due to a dispute between New Hampshire’s state law requiring it to be the first primary, and the National Democratic Committee.   A robust write-in campaign had been launched in New Hampshire, apparently what the robo call was intended to suppress.

While no charges have yet been filed, Formella said cease and desist and document preservation letters had been sent to the suspected senders, Arlington, TX-based Life Corporation and Walter Monk, and the telecom company which transmitted the calls, Lingo Telecom.   The FCC demanded that Lingo cease all illegal robo call activity.  Several state and federal statutes were violated, and charges are likely.

We have links to the AG’s statement and more at  I’m Brian Beihl. 

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
New Hampshire Public Radio – NH authorities investigating robocall that uses artificially created Biden voice
NBC10 Boston – Fake Biden robocall pre-NH primary appears illegal, AG says (Includes full call content)
New Hampshire Dept. of Justice – Voter Suppression AI Robocall Investigation Update
Federal Communications Commission – FCC DEMANDS ENTITY BEHIND ROBOCALLS IN NEW

New Hampshire Public Radio – NH attorney general, FCC trace AI robocalls impersonating Biden back to Texas company
The Hill – Fake Biden robocall ‘tip of the iceberg’ for AI election misinformation

Groups Taking Action:
Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, Union of Concerned Scientists

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