The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for May 22, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
Yesterday, we reported on attempts by anti-voter legislators in Arizona to make it harder to get citizen ballot initiatives on the ballot, and a higher threshold to pass one. Another suppression tactic by opponents? Slap signature canvassers with a subpoena.
Recruiting and training a legion of canvassers to put a measure on the ballot is already an expensive proposition. As we noted yesterday, should the Arizona Distribution Requirement for Initiatives Amendment pass in November, signatures would be required from all 30 legislative districts in Arizona, meaning more volunteers and expense.
Bolts Magazine reports on another tactic: Take the ballot question organizers to court. Opponents hope that by challenging the question’s text, signature collection methods, and eligibility of canvassers, it can either invalidate signatures or make it financially unfeasible to continue.
A recent Arizona law requires exact signature matches for ballot question petitions, making it easier for opponents to challenge signers. Another law allows opponents to subpoena canvassers to defend their petitions, and if they don’t appear, the signatures can be tossed out. Bolts Magazine chronicles a 2018 climate ballot question that had 1,400 canvassers subpoenaed, and organizers spent $1.3 million dollars transporting and housing canvassers, most of whom never even testified.
Expect more such tactics as anti-voter legislators try to keep power out of the hands of citizens. We’ve linked the Bolts Magazine article at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Bolts Magazine – Arizona Republicans Set Up a Ballot Measure to Squash Future Ballot Measures
BallotPedia – Arizona Signature Distribution Requirement for Initiatives Amendment (2024)
Arizona Mirror – Resolution would make passing constitutional amendments more difficult
Brennan Center for Justice – Politicians Take Aim at Ballot Initiatives
The Lever – How The GOP Is Suppressing Citizen Lawmaking
National Conference of State Legislatures – Initiative and Referendum Processes
On Point (WBUR) – The growing threat to ballot initiatives
Groups Taking Action:
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center, Alliance for Justice, League of Women Voters
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