Galveston County, TX Racial Gerrymandering Case Could Weaken Voting Rights Act Protections for Mixed Minority Communities

Today’s Script

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You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

The U.S. Federal Court’s Fifth Circuit, known for its conservative and sometimes fringe rulings, recently reheard a case from Galveston County, Texas over whether a community of African Americans and Latinx Americans qualifies for protections under the  Voting Rights Act.  The court’s opinion could further weaken the VRA.

Petteway v. Galveston County, Texas disputes redistricting of the county’s commissioner districts, which civil rights and democracy groups argue took away the opportunity for African American and Latinx American voters to elect the candidate of their choice.  

In October 2023, a federal district judge agreed with the plaintiffs. QUOTE “The circumstances and effect of the enacted plan were ‘mean-spirited’ and ‘egregious’ given that “there was absolutely no reason to make major changes to Precinct 3.” UNQUOTE  New maps were ordered, but later stayed by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, with the U.S. Supreme Court concurring.

May 13th, the Fifth Circuit reheard the case, this time with the county arguing that the Voting Rights Act doesn’t apply to mixed COALITIONS of voters, only to distinct groups of minority of voters.   Should the full Fifth Circuit panel agree, it could diminish the voting power of mixed-minority communities around the U.S.   Whatever the decision, a U.S. Supreme Court appeal is likely next year, meaning discriminatory maps will be used for the November 2024 election.

We have links on the case and more at  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Democracy Docket – Texas Galveston County Redistricting Challenge (Petteway)
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas via Democracy Docket – FINDINGS OF FACT

Campaign Legal Center – SCOTUS Orders Discriminatory, ‘Mean-Spirited’ Map in Place for Galveston County’s 2024 Elections
U.S. Supreme Court via Campaign Legal Center – PETTEWAY  v. GALVESTON COUNTY,

Texas Tribune – Galveston County redistricting case draws divide among federal appeals court judges

Groups Taking Action:
Campaign Legal Center, League of Women Voters TX, NAACP Texas State Conference, Southern Coalition for Social Justice, LULAC Texas, Texas Civil Rights Project

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