What Are ‘Open’, ‘Brokered’, and ‘Contested’ Party Conventions, and Could We See One This Summer?

Today’s Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

President Joe Biden’s poor performance at the first debate with Donald Trump precipitated conversations about nominating another candidate at the convention.  Can that happen?  And what’s the difference between an ‘open’, ‘brokered’ or ‘contested’ party nominating convention?

Political parties make the rules about how their nominations for President and Vice President are decided.  Should Biden withdraw and release his delegates, the convention would be “open”.  If he doesn’t, DNC rules state, “Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”

When a candidate enters the convention without enough delegates to win on the first ballot, the convention is “contested”.  From the primaries, Biden has almost 3,900 pledged delegates, and needs only 1,968 to win on the first ballot.  If a nomination is made from the floor to challenge Biden, that candidate is not likely to succeed because the overwhelming number of delegates are pledged to Biden.

A convention is ‘brokered’ when candidates have no clear majority after the first round of nominations at the convention. Party leaders negiotiate with state delegations to secure a majority, such as happened in the close Carter – Kennedy race in 1980. 

While it’s unlikely, remember that parties make their own rules, AND can change them.    We’ve linked to convention explainers and the DNC rules at AmericanDemocracyMinute.org.  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Brookings – What is a brokered convention? What is a contested convention?
U.S. News – What Is an Open Convention and Why Do Some Democrats Want One?
NY Magazine – Replacing Biden at the Convention Is Risky and Unprecedented

Associated Press – Here’s why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket
PBS NewsHour – 3 reasons it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket
BallotPedia – Democratic delegate rules, 2024
Democratic National Committee – Call For the 2024 Democratic National Convention, including the rules for the convention
History Channel – 4 Contested Conventions in Presidential Election History

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