The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for July 25, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
Two significant wins for Ohio voters, with signatures certified for a citizen-led redistricting commission ballot measure, and a federal court ruling striking down a portion of a state voter suppression law.
Ohio Capital Journal reports that the Citizens Not Politicians redistricting ballot measure had 535,000 of their signatures from 58 counties certified July 23rd, successfully placing it on the November ballot. The measure proposes a 15-member citizen commission of Republicans, Democrats and independents, none of whom can be current or former politicians or lobbyists. It also forbids redistricting for partisan advantage – gerrymandering – and requires a fully transparent process. It’s likely the state GOP will mount a counteroffensive, since fair maps threaten its supermajority.
A federal judge struck down a provision in the HB 458 omnibus voter suppression law, which allows only immediate family members to assist disabled voters, and made non-family assistance subject to felony charges. The ruling confirmed Section 8 of the Voting Rights Act allowing disabled voters to appoint the person of their choice to assist, and protects democracy groups and others from prosecution for doing so.
The judge also dismissed a motion that the disabled voter did not have a “private right of action”. That corrosive tactic was used successfully in an Arkansas case, and expected to be brought to the U.S. Supreme Court.
We’ve linked articles and the ruling at I’m Brian Beihl
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
American Democracy Minute – Following Three Chaotic Years of Politician-Run Redistricting, Ohio Organizers Submit Ballot Measure Signatures for Citizen-Led Commission
Ohio Capital Journal – Signatures certified: Ohio anti-gerrymandering amendment on its way to November ballot
Democracy Docket – Ohio’s New Voter Suppression Law Unpacked
Ohio Capital Journal – Federal judge scraps Ohio’s narrow list of helpers for disabled voters
U.S. DISTRICT COURT, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO, EASTERN DIVISION – Ruling in League of Women Voters v. Ohio Sec. of State Frank LaRose and the Republican National Committee
Groups Taking Action:
Citizens Not Politicians, League of Women Voters Ohio, ACLU Ohio
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