When Voter Registration Purges Cross the Line from Standard Practice into Suppression

Today’s Script

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When citizens move or die, voter registration lists need to be updated as part of routine list hygiene.  But when lists are aggressively purged, particularly close to an election, it crosses the line into voter suppression. 

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 189 in May, allowing voters to be removed from the rolls as little as 45 days before an election.  SB 189 also allows citizens an unlimited number of voter eligibility challenges. In addition to Georgia’s purge of over 190,000 voters in 2023, activists are expected to challenge thousands more at the polls.  

Wyoming employed its new “use it or lose it” law in May to remove 28% of its registered voters, according to reporting by WyoFile. The law requires any voter not voting in the prior midterm or general election to be removed from its voter rolls.  

The Ohio Capital Journal reported July 25th that Ohio’s secretary of state posted a list of over 158,000 voters scheduled to be purged prior to the Presidential election.   The executive director of the Ohio Unity Coalition, speaking to Dayton Now said, “What we know is that 50% of these voters are registered in Ohio counties where a majority of Black and Brown population live.”  

Voters should check the status of their registration online or with their local election officials.  Find links at AmericanDemocracyMinute.org.  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Brennan Center for Justice – Explainer: Voter Purges

Voting Rights Lab – New Laws Risk Purging Eligible Voters in Advance of This Year’s Elections
Atlanta News First – More than 190K names removed from Georgia voter roll ahead of 2024 election
WyoFile – Wyoming voids 28% of its voter registrations in mandatory purge
Ohio Capital Journal – Ohio’s voter purge “disproportionately targets voters of color”, civil rights organizations say

Democracy Docket – Georgia Governor Signs Three Voter Suppression Laws
Associated Press – In Georgia, conservatives seek to have voters removed from rolls without official challenges
Dayton Now – Groups criticize Ohio Secretary of State LaRose for making over 158,000 voters inactive
Essence – Black People Are Getting Removed From Voter Rolls And More Purges Could Be On The Way

Check Your Voter Registration

Groups Taking Action:

Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Ohio Unity Coalition, Common Cause Georgia, Fair Fight, ACLU Wyoming