The Electoral Count Reform Act Adds Federal and State Protections, But It Won’t Stop Local Loyalists from Throwing a Wrench in the Certification Works

Today’s Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

Our series on the federal Electoral Count Reform Act shows that it does offer protections of Presidential elections from fake electors and rogue legislatures, and clarifies rules, deadlines & responsibilities for the states.  But that doesn’t stop local partisan loyalists from throwing a wrench in the certification works. 

We’ve reported on Otero County, New Mexico and Cochise County, Arizona where partisan loyalists initially refused to certify election results in 2022, using bogus fraud claims as a pretext.  In both cases, their secretaries of state compelled certification through the courts.   Then last week, the Georgia State Election Board voted to ALLOW individual members of county election boards to do their own investigations before certifying results. 

Democracy advocacy organizations are sounding the alarm, citing counties around the U.S. where threatened and harassed professional election officials were replaced by party loyalists, and in some cases, 2020 election deniers. The Washington Post reports that county officials in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada also tried to block certifications in 2022. 

It MAY be that GOP strategists are banking on delaying the national certification, buying time to dig up irregularities – an ineffective tactic in 2020 and 2022. Or more likely, they hope their challenges will end up in enough friendly courtrooms to overturn the results.   

Tomorrow, a new report from ethics watchdog CREW detailing ways to combat this local obstruction.  Find more at  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Protect Democracy – Election Certification Explained

American Democracy Minute –  (2022) NM County Officials Refuse to Certify Primary Election with No Evidence
American Democracy Minute –  (2022) Election Denier Chaos in Cochise County, Arizona
Associated Press – Election certification disputes in a handful of states spark concerns over 2024 presidential contest
Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington (CREW) – Election certification under threat

Groups Taking Action:

CREW, Protect Democracy, Campaign Legal Center

Check Your Voter Registration

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