Colorado Election Official Who Allowed 2020 Conspiracy Theory Activists Access to County Voting Machine Data Found Guilty

Today’s Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

In the midst of our series on protections against bad actors not certifying the Presidential election came the news of the felony conviction of a former Colorado election official who allowed election deniers access to her county’s voting machines.  

A jury convicted former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters on four felony charges for giving unauthorized access to the county’s Dominion Voting Systems electronic ballot tabulators to two election conspiracy theory activists associated with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.

Colorado Newsline reports testimony that Peters misused another county employee’s identity to fraudulently give access to an official inspection of ballot counting machines by a Dominion Voting Systems employee and a representative of the Colorado Secretary of State’s office.  Election data was later allegedly copied and distributed online.   

The Colorado County Clerks Association said after the verdict,  “Colorado Clerks across the state are pleased to see justice done today. We take seriously our role as guardians of the best election process in the nation and are grateful to see the justice system hold those who would harm our elections accountable.”

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold said in a statement, “Today’s verdict sends a clear message: we will not tolerate any effort to threaten the security of our gold standard elections. I am proud that justice for Colorado voters has been served today.”

We’ve linked to local reporting at  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Colorado Newsline – (2021) ‘Serious breach’ of voting security at center of investigation of Mesa County clerk’s office
Colorado Newsline – Tina Peters, former Mesa County clerk, guilty on 7 counts

Colorado Secretary of State Office  – Secretary Griswold Statement on Verdict in Tina Peters Trial
Associated Press – Former Colorado clerk Tina Peters, one-time hero to election deniers, convicted in computer breach

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