Is Organized Labor the Campaign Money Bogey Man the Right Claims? The Data Shows Otherwise.

Advisory: We’ve been advised that the Open Secrets site is down for repairs. Please check back for today’s resources.

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You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

For most of the last century, labor unions could be counted on for financial campaign contributions to state and federal Democratic candidates.  That union support has also been vilified by Republicans as a thumb on the scale in elections.  But is it the bogey man that the Right claims?

In the 2023-2024 election cycle, Open Secrets reports that labor unions contributed over $13.8 million dollars to political action committees, and did almost $3 million dollars in lobbying.  Of that, over $7 million went to the multi-union Laborers’ Political League Education Fund, which says on its website that it “provides support for candidates who demonstrate concern for working men and women” and “the entire trade union movement.”   Another $4 million funded the Senate Majority PAC, mostly funding media to support U.S. Senate candidates around the country.  

While the $13.8 Million might sound like a lot, compare that with the heavily unionized transportation sector, including the automobile, rail and aerospace industries, which Open Secrets calculates spent over $54 Million contributing to PACs and candidates.   The financial sector?  Just in the 2024 election cycle, companies and executives spent a whopping $652.7 million dollars in campaign contributions. 

So while it continues to be scapegoated, labor’s financial influence is a mere drop in the bucket. 

We’ve linked to the Open Secrets data at   I’m Brian Beihl.

Articles & Resources:
PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE LATER TODAY – Open Secrets’ site is down for maintenance.
Open Secrets – 2024 Spending – Labor Sector
Open Secrets – 2024 Spending – Transportation Sector
Open Secrets – 2024 Spending – Financial Sector

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