The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Oct. 29, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
Our last three reports focused on the likely plans for bad actors to subvert the election. Thankfully, Congress passed the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022, which most experts believe will prevail. How does it work?
The ECRA sets up federal court guidelines for expedited election challenges, including emergency U.S. Supreme Court action. That’s important, because the ECRA also sets hard deadlines for states to submit their certification and slate of electors, limiting litigation intended to delay the process.
It also prohibits a state legislature from changing the set of electors are chosen AFTER the election, a tactic bad actors proposed in 2020. It clarifies that only a governor or designated “executive” are allowed to transmit the “certificate of ascertainment” and list of electors, avoiding another fake elector scheme. The transmission goes directly to Congress six days before the electors convene, which must occur by the “the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December.” This election, that’s December 17th, 2024.
Once the process reaches Congress, the ECRA raises the threshold to object to a state’s certification from one senator and one representative, to one-fifth of each body, making it harder to second-guess a state’s certification and obstruct the proceedings. And it clarifies the role of the Vice President as procedural, not the final word on state certifications or electors.
We have more on the Electoral Count Reform Act at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Protect Democracy – Understanding the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022
Brennan Center for Justice – How Electoral Votes Are Counted for the Presidential Election
Campaign Legal Center – Updating the Electoral Count Act to Protect the Will of the People in Presidential Election
The Fulcrum – Understanding the Electoral Count Reform Act
National Constitution Center – Democracy Checkup: Preparing for the 2024 Election
Check Your Voter Registration:
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission – Register And Vote in Your State
- USA Vote Foundation – Registration, Eligibility, State Election Office Links
- Vote.Gov – Register to Vote in Your State
- Vote.Org – Check Your Registration to Vote
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