The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Oct. 30, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
We have important updates for three consequential voting rights cases we’ve been following in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Georgia, just a week before the November 2024 election.
October 28th, the Republican National Committee appealed a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision allowing voters whose mail ballot secrecy envelopes were missing or unsealed, to vote by provisional ballot instead. The RNC asked the U.S. Supreme Court for an emergency ruling, claiming Pennsylvania’s high court overstepped the legislature’s authority over election law. The U.S. Supreme Court has not yet responded.
The Nevada Independent reports that Oct. 28th, the state supreme court upheld a ruling that mail-in ballots without postmarks received within three days after election day must be counted. Republicans appealed the decision, arguing the lower court misread the law. The majority said the appeal was too close to the election, and wrote: “If a voter properly and timely casts their vote by mailing their ballot before or on the day of the election, and through a post office omission the ballot is not postmarked, it would go against public policy to discount that properly cast vote.”
The Georgia Supreme Court October 22nd denied a Republican appeal to restore a Georgia state election board rule allowing county election board members to make a “reasonable inquiry” and obstruct certifying the election. The rule will NOT be in effect November 5th.
We have more at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Pennsylvania Spotlight/AP – Republicans ask U.S. Supreme Court to block counting of some provisional ballots in Pa.
U.S. Supreme Court – Republican National Committee, et al., Applicants v. Faith Genser, et al.
ScotusBlog – Republicans ask Supreme Court to block decision to count Pennsylvania provisional ballots
Nevada Independent – Nevada Supreme Court rules non-postmarked ballots can be counted within 3 days of election
Georgia Recorder – Georgia Supreme Court delays ruling on controversial election board rules until after Nov. 5
Groups Taking Action:
ACLU PA, PA Conference of the NAACP, Fair Fight Action, ACLU GA, Common Cause GA, Nevada Alliance for Retired Americans
Check Your Voter Registration:
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission – Register And Vote in Your State
- Vote.Gov – Register to Vote in Your State
- Vote.Org – Check Your Registration to Vote
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#Democracy #DemocracyNews #VotingRights #MailInBallots #Pennsylvania #Georgia #Nevada