The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Dec. 30, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
The U.S. Supreme Court will soon hear a Louisiana redistricting case with repercussions for minority voters around the country. It could further dismantle the 1965 Voting Rights Act Section 2.
Louisiana’s legislature drew its six Congressional districts, including only one as a majority-minority Black district. It ignored the fact that Louisiana’s population is almost 33% Black.
A federal district court found that the legislature intentionally drew the districts to dilute Black voting power, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a new map. The legislature, under pressure from the courts and the Governor, created a map in January 2024, adding a second long and narrow majority-minority district. Last summer, a group of mostly white voters sued, claiming that using “race predominance” cannot be the main factor when drawing a district.
After initially refusing the case, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case in early 2025. Justice Alito consistently signals that the Voting Rights Act should be race-neutral, while Justice Jackson points out that the VRA was intended to provide a level playing field for minority voters. Until the Roberts court’s 2019 Shelby County decision, Louisiana was required by the U.S. Justice Department to pre-clear all election laws due to its history of voting rights discrimination.
We have more on the case at I’m Brian Beihl.
To view the whole script of today’s report, please go to our website.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
U.S. Justice Department – Brief for LOUISIANA v. CALLAIS
American Democracy Minute – (May 2024) U.S. Supreme Court Stays 5th Circuit, Allowing Louisiana’s Fairer Congressional Maps – Apparently Invoking the Purcell Principle
American Democracy Minute – (May 2024) The Federal 5th Circuit Backtracks on Louisiana Congressional Maps, Throwing Out New Map Which Gave Black Voters & Candidates a Chance
American Democracy Minute – (Jan. 2024) Louisiana Legislature Hashes Out New Court-Ordered Congressional Maps with Two Majority Black Districts
American Democracy Minute – (Nov. 2023) Appeals Court (Finally) Finds Louisiana Congressional Map was Discriminatory; Orders New Maps to Be Drawn by January 15
American Democracy Minute – (June 2022) Federal Appeals Court Forces New Congressional Map in Louisiana
Groups Taking Action:
Power Coalition for Equity and Justice, ACLU of Louisiana
Register or Check Your Voter Registration:
U.S. Election Assistance Commission – Register And Vote in Your State
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#Democracy #DemocracyNews #VRA #VotingRightsAct #RacialGerrymandering