The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 8, 2023

Correction: The audio version of our report noted that HB 209 died on the Alabama Senate floor. That was incorrect; it died without reaching the floor for a vote on the last day of the term. Sorry for the error.
Today’s Script:
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time)
Today’s Links now below the script
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
What some call “ballot harvesting,” others consider essential help to seniors, nursing care patients and the disabled. That’s why Democracy advocates are relieved that the Alabama legislature’s HB 209 died Tuesday before reaching the Senate floor.
The discredited 2022 film “2000 Mules” alleged widespread fraud from advocates collecting absentee ballots. Though debunked, extremists in state legislatures around the country have used the premise to justify restrictions on assistance in requesting, filling out or returning absentee ballots.
Alabama’s House Bill 209 limited persons assisting absentee voters to family members, including a child, spouse, aunt, uncle, grandparent,
grandchild, niece, nephew, parent, full-sibling, half-sibling or legal guardian. This included filling out or returning the ballot, and also allowed specific county or state election officials to assist. In the bill’s original form, violations were a felony, though a Senate committee amendment reduced it to a misdemeanor. The committee also loosened restrictions for the blind, allowing non-family members to assist.
What remained in the bill going to the full Senate were criminal penalties for anyone volunteering or paid to assist a voter. Such a penalty would stop the work of the League of Women Voters and other organizations assisting Alabama citizens to register and vote.
While dead for this term, this voter suppression bill is expected to return in the next session. We have links to articles, the bill and groups taking action at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Alabama Legislature – Text of Last House Version of HB 209
Alabama Political Reporter – House committee approves bill criminalizing absentee ballot process
1819 News – Contentious absentee ballot legislation clears Senate committee with amendment
Alabama Public Radio – Alabama legislative session nearing final day, absentee voting bill in the air
1819 News – Ballot harvesting bill dies in Senate without a vote; Sec. of State Wes Allen: ‘I have not received a clear answer’ on why it never reached the Senate floor
Groups Taking Action:
ACLU AL, League of Women Voters AL, Alabama Arise, Southern Leadership for Voter Engagement (SOLVE), Alabama Values
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