The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 30, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time)
Today’s Links now below the script
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
Fueled by 2020 election conspiracy theories, the Kansas legislature overrode the Governor’s veto on two 2021 bills erecting barriers to voting by mail. Citizens and freedom to vote groups are fighting back.
Driven by debunked claims of former President Trump and his campaign legal team, the Kansas legislature passed House Bill 2183, making it a misdemeanor for anyone but a family member to touch a voter’s mail ballot, or to assist in requesting a ballot. For groups assisting in return of ballots – it caps the total – for an entire organization per election cycle – to ten. The Kansas Reflector reports that groups like the League of Women Voters have suspended voter assistance programs as a result.
HB 2332 mandates notoriously-inaccurate signature matching on mail-in ballots, what Kansas refers to as “advance ballots.” The bill allows for both automated and human review, but unlike 24 other states, Kansas does not have a provision to “cure” a rejected ballot with a signature mismatch, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The provision could disenfranchise thousands.
So democracy groups sued over portions in the two bills which disenfranchise voters and restrict free speech, and after a successful appeal, the Kansas Supreme Court has agreed this week to hear the case. After oral arguments, a decision is expected before the 2024 election.
We have text of the bills, analysis and articles at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Center for Public Integrity – In Kansas, inequality in voting widens with new limits
Associated Press – Kansas appeals court reinstates lawsuit over voting law
Campaign Legal Center – Kansas Anti-Voter Law Targeting Civic Engagement Groups Struck Down
Kansas Reflector – Court of Appeals reverses lower court on Kansas lawsuit challenging restraint of voting rights
Kansas Reflector – Voting rights case sent to Kansas Supreme Court, challenging 2021 election law
Campaign Legal Center – Signature Matching and Mail Ballots: Safeguards to Ensure That Every Vote Counts
National Conference of State Legislatures – States With Signature Cure Processes
U.S. Cybesecurity and Infrastructure Agency – Signature Verification and Cure Process
Groups Taking Action:
League of Women Voters Kansas, Loud Light, Kansas Appleseed Center for Law & Justice, Topeka Independent Living Resource Center
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