Under the Cloak of “Election Integrity,” North Carolina Legislature Overhauls Election System; Governor’s Expected Veto Likely to be Overridden

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Aug. 18, 2023

Today’s Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

The North Carolina legislature approved a so-called “election integrity” bill late Wednesday, making it harder to vote by mail, employing provisional ballots for election day registrants, implementing new polling place observer rules, and allowing voters to challenge the mail ballots of other voters.   

SB 747 now heads to Democratic Governor Roy Cooper, who will likely veto the bill, then have his veto overridden by the Republican supermajority enabled by gerrymandered voting districts.   

WRAL reports that the bill doubled in size in the House, despite an outcry over additional barriers to voting, including mandating signature verification and TWO witnesses on mail ballots, requiring provisional ballots for election-day registrants, and the ability for an ordinary voter to challenge a mail ballot from another voter.   

A bipartisan group of county election officials also complained that the expansion of the number of poll observers allowed would be a distraction from administering the election and hurt, not help, election integrity.  Some amendments were made. They also voiced concern about the time added for requiring signature verification of mail ballots.

The bill has roots with Cleta Mitchell, a former Trump election lawyer who now works with the Election Integrity Network, a conservative advocacy group.  SB 749, which overhauls the balance of county elections boards, is expected to get its final votes shortly.      

We have a link to the final version of SB 747 at AmericanDemocracyMinute.org.  I’m Brian Beihl.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Democracy Docket – North Carolina Republicans Introduce Election Bill Influenced by GOP Operatives
WRAL – Sweeping election law changes moving forward again in NC legislature, ahead of 2024 elections
WRAL – Local election officials say proposed NC election changes would be ‘disruptive’
North Carolina Legislature – Final version of SB 747
WGHP – Few amendments, many questions: North Carolina’s expanded voting law headed for Gov. Roy Cooper’s desk

Groups Taking Action:
North Carolina Black Alliance, Democracy North Carolina, North Carolina Voter, ACLU North Carolina

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See our earlier report: