The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for Nov. 13, 2023

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
With an astounding 86.4% vote on November 7th, Maine passed a citizen ballot initiative banning foreign campaign contributions to state candidates and ballot measures. How much foreign money could there be in a Maine election? More than you think.
Hydro Quebec, a large Canadian power producer, conducted a multi-year effort to build a power line corridor through New England states. The company failed in New Hampshire, then spent $22 Million dollars in Maine to convince voters to defeat a ballot initiative opposing the project. In November 2021, 59% of Maine voters rejected the project, but a court ruled the initiative violated Hydro Quebec’s rights and the project moved forward.
Federal rules prohibit campaign contributions by foreign entities in federal elections, but don’t address state spending or ballot initiatives. The amendment to Maine’s constitution prohibits foreign entities or subsidiaries with 5% or more stake from making contributions to candidates or ballot measures. It requires media to determine the source of advertising dollars for initiatives. It bans attempts to evade the rules, and sets penalties of up to two times the expenditure. And it requires disclosure whenever a foreign government attempts to influence an issue in Maine.
Similar bans were enacted in Minnesota and Alaska, and several state legislatures considered bans this year. More on those efforts in an upcoming report.
We have more on Maine’s initiative and the groups taking action at I’m Brian Beihl.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
Hydro Quebec – Appalaches-Maine Interconnection – Work Update June 2023
Reuters – States and localities take on foreign-influenced political spending
BallotPedia – Maine Question 2, Prohibit Foreign Spending in Elections Initiative (2023)
Spectrum News – Maine considers closing loophole that allows foreign government spending on referendums
Maine Public Radio – Question 2 passes, banning foreign electioneering in Maine
State of Maine – §1064. Foreign government campaign spending prohibited
Groups Taking Action:
Maine Citizens for Clean Elections, League of Women Voters Maine, American Promise, End Citizens United, Represent.Us
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