The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for May 10, 2024

Today’s Script
(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
May 7th, South Dakota democracy advocates submitted the necessary signatures to put a constitutional amendment establishing a ‘top two’ open primary system on the ballot. The ballot question would allow the 150,000 independent voters whose tax dollars underwrite the primary to actually vote in it.
On Monday, South Dakota Open Primaries submitted 25% more than the required 35,000 signatures necessary for state constitutional amendments, according to the Secretary of State figures.
The measure establishes a single ballot open primary for congressional, gubernatorial, state legislature and county offices. All candidates, regardless of party, would run on the same ballot, but a party affiliation is listed. The top two candidates advance to the general election, again, regardless of party.
Such a system allows all voters to participate in the primary, including independents and third party voters. South Dakota’s current system is closed, allowing only voters registered with that party to use that party’s ballot. Likewise, open primaries allow independent & third party candidates to run on the same ballot, giving voters more choice.
Because candidates must appeal to voters not registered with that party, open primaries help to limit partisan polarization, and offer more choice. The South Dakota Republican Party Chair told the South Dakota Searchlight, “We are 110% opposed to the idea.” Open primaries are often paired with ranked choice voting, but South Dakota Republicans have banned its use.
We have links to the ballot question text and an explainer on open primaries at I’m Brian Beihl.
May 7th, South Dakota democracy advocates submitted the necessary signatures to put a constitutional amendment establishing a ‘top two’ open primary system on the ballot. The ballot question would allow the 150,000 independent voters whose tax dollars underwrite the primary to actually vote in it.
To view the whole script of today’s report, please go to our website.
Today’s Links
Articles & Resources:
South Dakota Searchlight – Open primary push to see opposition from state Republican Party
South Dakota Secretary of State – Text of Top 2 Open Primary Petition
South Dakota Open Primaries – SD Open Primaries Explained
South Dakota Secretary of State – Breakdown of Voter Affililation, May 1, 2024
Dakota News Now – Petitions establishing top-two primary elections, legalizing recreational cannabis submitted just before deadline
Open Primaries Education Fund – Types of Primaries
Groups Taking Action:
South Dakota Open Primaries, Open Primaries
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