New Study Shows Stadium Voting is a Home Run
Today’s Links:
Civic Responsibility Project Study: VOTING IN 2020: PROFESSIONAL SPORTS STADIUMS & ARENAS AS
Washington Monthly: Take Me Out to the … Voting Booth!https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/americandemocracyminute/episodes/2022-07-17T08_50_29-07_00
You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.
It’s baseball’s All Star week, and a new study suggests that you might want to get out to your local ballpark or basketball arena – to exercise your freedom to vote.
The Civic Responsibility Project commissioned a study by a panel of experts during the 2020 election and found that sports stadiums make excellent voting venues. In fact, 48 MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS, and NFL sports stadiums and arenas were used for voting in 2020.
But the value of sports facilities go beyond social distancing. The study found that stadiums are often located in densely populated metropolitan areas, accessible by mass transit. The facilities are capable of moving people in and out, are handicapped accessible, have adequate bathrooms and parking, and are in general, easy to get to. Staff at the stadiums are used to the logistics for games, concerts and other large events.
After decades of not being out front on social justice issues, many pro sports franchises are now looking for opportunities to be better corporate citizens. Providing valuable support for voting and civic engagement in their communities is an excellent way to do that.
Voters like it, too. The Civic Responsibility Project found that 2020 voters came from a wide range of political, racial and cultural backgrounds, and stadium voting didn’t benefit any particular group of voters. The study notes that proximity is the biggest factor in voter use of the sports venue, but in some cities voters came from significant distances. Seems like stadium voting is, well, a home run. A link to the study is at our website, AmericanDemocracyMinute.org
Granny D said “Democracy is not something we have, it’s something we DO.”
For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.