ADM for Oct. 13, 2022: January 6th Committee Concludes Hearings with New Bannon Audio, Unheard Witnesses

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Credit: US News & World Report

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NBC News – Jan. 6 committee announces next hearing will be next Thursday
Los Angeles Times –  What’s the TV schedule for the next Jan. 6 committee hearing?
Mother Jones – Leaked Audio: Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump Planned to Falsely Claim Victory

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

The January 6th Committee meets again on Thursday, October 13th, which the committee chairman Bennie Thompson says will likely be the last hearing, barring additional revelations.

The committee rescheduled its last hearing due to the arrival of Hurricane Ian, but has since talked with Ginni Thomas, Republican activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.  NBC reports that others whose recorded testimony might be included are Trump’s former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and Trump’s Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao.  

Remaining lines of inquiry, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times, includes further questions about the Secret Service’s actions on January 6th, as well as obstruction of justice and witness tampering by members of the Trump administration.

Mother Jones has reported that a recording has surfaced of Steven Bannon, former senior advisor to President Trump, stating in the days before the insurrection that Trump would declare an early victory, then claim the election was stolen from him.  The committee will consider whether this was premeditation of the January 6th violence.  

The January 6th Committee’s final hearing begins at 1 pm Eastern time, 10 am Pacific, and most broadcast television and radio news networks will likely carry it live.   We have links to articles and the new Bannon audio at  Granny D said “Democracy isn’t something we HAVE, it’s something we DO.”  For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.

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