Could Trump Run for a Third Term? The 22nd Amendment Prohibits it, But a TN Congressman Wants to Repeal It.  And There are Loopholes.

In 1944, when Franklin Roosevelt said he would run for a fourth term, discussions began on a Constitutional amendment to limit a U.S. President to two terms in office. In 1951, the 22nd Amendment was ratified.  Now, a Tennessee Congressman wants to repeal it.  Would it actually be possible for Donald Trump to be President again?

U.S. Supreme Court Majority Says Trump Immunity Hinges on ‘Official’ vs. ‘Private’ Actions, and Alarmingly Expands Presidential Powers

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled July 1st that former President Donald Trump has criminal immunity for his “official” acts as President, but not for “private” acts.   The majority’s decision was not quite a “get out of jail free” card, but expanded the official powers of the President to near authoritarian levels.