Town Officials in Tiny PA Town Arraigned After Investigators Unravel Rare Case of Alleged Voter Fraud

The Delaware County Daily Times reports that two borough council members allegedly recruited willing voters outside the Philadelphia suburb to support a third council member’s write-in campaign for mayor.   The town of 1,200 residents has only 549 registered voters, and one of the highest concentrations of citizens of South Asian descent in the country.  

Could Trump Run for a Third Term? The 22nd Amendment Prohibits it, But a TN Congressman Wants to Repeal It.  And There are Loopholes.

In 1944, when Franklin Roosevelt said he would run for a fourth term, discussions began on a Constitutional amendment to limit a U.S. President to two terms in office. In 1951, the 22nd Amendment was ratified.  Now, a Tennessee Congressman wants to repeal it.  Would it actually be possible for Donald Trump to be President again?