North Carolina: Former Election Directors Weigh In On Unresolved Supreme Court Race; Former Justice Argues Partisan Gerrymandering Akin to ‘Stuffing the Ballot Box’

In a brief to the North Carolina Court of Appeals, a bipartisan group of former county election directors urged the court to reject a claim that as many as 65,000 voters were ineligible last November.  And a former state supreme court justice is arguing in another appeals case that gerrymandering by the state legislature is akin to ‘stuffing the ballot box.” 

Town Officials in Tiny PA Town Arraigned After Investigators Unravel Rare Case of Alleged Voter Fraud

The Delaware County Daily Times reports that two borough council members allegedly recruited willing voters outside the Philadelphia suburb to support a third council member’s write-in campaign for mayor.   The town of 1,200 residents has only 549 registered voters, and one of the highest concentrations of citizens of South Asian descent in the country.