DC Democrats Attempt to Block Citizen Initiative Proposing Ranked Choice Voting and Semi-Open Primaries in City Elections

Democrats in the District of Columbia have sued the DC Elections Board to prevent a citizen ballot initiative proposing ranked choice voting and semi-open primaries, claiming it would violate the city charter, and confuse Black and Hispanic voters. Many major party leaders perceive open primaries as an existential threat to power, despite its popularity with voters.

Aug. 8 Referendum Changing Ohio’s Threshold for a Ballot Initiative to Win Holds a 112-Year-Old Precedent and Reproductive Rights in the Balance

Early voting for Ohio’s Aug. 8th special election is robust, as voters consider raising the threshold for a ballot initiative to win to a 60% margin. At stake in Issue 1 is a 112-year-old precedent of a 50%+ 1 simple majority rule — and an attempt to derail a reproductive freedom ballot question slated for November’s election.

Early Election Turnout for Ohio Legislature’s Anti-Voter Constitutional Amendment Strong, as Century-Old Pro-Voter Ballot Initiative Rules Hang in the Balance

Reports from around Ohio suggest a strong early voting turnout for a constitutional ballot question designed to defeat a November question on reproductive rights. Issue 1 would change the threshold to pass for ALL Ohio ballot questions from 50% plus one to 60%, and importantly, require qualifying signatures from 5% of voters in each Ohio county.