Donations to Trump’s Inauguration May Reach $200M, Funding the Parade, Inaugural Balls  . . . and Pay-to-Play Influence

Donald Trump’s inaugural committee has received $170 Million dollars in contributions, and it’s expected to reach $200 Million – almost double his 2017 total.   Yes, the contributions pay for the inaugural balls, but inaugural funds are also a vehicle for corporate “pay to play” contributions, currying favor for federal contracts, lenient legislation, or access to the President.

Before it Loses its Supermajority, the North Carolina Legislature Strips Election Powers from Its Governor, Bans AG from Opposing the Legislature.  Will the House Override the Veto?

Before a new Democratic governor takes office in January and it loses its supermajority, the GOP-controlled North Carolina legislature used a hurricane relief bill to strip power from the governor and attorney general.  The draconian changes hinge on a pending veto override vote in the state House.