Shades of Corruption: Menendez & Cuellar Prosecuted for Accepting Cash & Cars; Trump Reportedly Promises Climate Rollbacks for $1B in Campaign Contributions from Big Oil with Repercussions Unlikely

The corruption trial of U.S. Senator Robert Menendez started May 13th for allegedly taking gold bars and cash in exchange for favors.  May 3rd, the U.S. Justice Department announced bribery charges against Congressman Henry Cuellar.  May 9th, news surfaced that former President Donald Trump promised U.S. oil executives he’d roll back climate regulations  – and asked for $1 Billion dollars in contributions.  

How NY, AZ & MN are Fighting Back Against the Influence of Anonymous Campaign Cash

Most of the reforms on Dark Money have come from citizen ballot initiatives, one of the reasons anti-voter forces are working so hard to change the rules on initiatives. While Brian's on vacation, please take a minute to listen to last year's report, part of our series entitled "Shedding Light on Dark Money." Click on the headline below to go to this episode of last year's series.