Rebroadcast: Survey Finds Strong Support from Americans for Early Voting & Election Day Holiday Reforms, But Also Restrictive Government-Issued ID Requirements

Today, we're is one of over a 100,000 electric customers in NH without power, due to high winds and over a foot of heavy, wet snow.   Fortunately, we still have internet -- for now -- and are writing under generator power.   Here's an important rebroadcast from February.  Have a good weekend;  I'll be shoveling!

Rebroadcast: How the Changing Social Media Landscape Could Hamper the Fight Against Disinformation from Both Foreign and Domestic Bad Actors

Brian has been traveling, but will have a new report on Monday. We reported recently on Russia’s anticipated 2024 election influence campaign, much of which is based on exploitation of social media platforms. But under free speech pressure from American Conservative activists, social media platforms have stripped out even the modest protections which existed in 2020.

Issue One Report Finds False Election Fraud Claims, Intimidation, Burdensome Rules, and ‘Election Integrity’ Vigilantes Lead to an Election Official Brain-Drain

Brian is traveling today, and we have a rebroadcast of an important study by Issue One that came out last fall: A new report chronicles a brain-drain of experienced professional election officials, who, after dealing for months on end with false election fraud claims, intimidation, and burdensome new “Election Integrity” rules, have had enough.

At the 14th Anniversary of Citizens United in January, SuperPACs and Candidates Had Spent Over $300 Million in IA, NH & SC

Brian is traveling for a few days, so we have rebroadcasts for you Thursday & Friday. January 21st was the 14th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which opened the floodgates of money in political campaigns. In Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, over $300 Million dollars has already been spent in just three early races.