Some Campaign Strategists Hope You’ll Show Up at the Polls, Only to Find that Your Voter Registration has been Purged.  Don’t Let that Happen.

Here’s a scenario likely to be more common in the 2024 elections:  You show up expecting to cast your ballot, but the clerk says you’re no longer registered.  In many states, you used to be able to register the day of the election, but your state legislature changed the rules, and you’re now required to bring citizenship & birth certificate papers to re-register.  So sorry.  

Nonpartisan Report Recommends Ways Local Officials Can Expand Voter Participation and Recruit Election Workers Using Public/Private Partnerships

The nonpartisan Fair Elections Center released a report to state and local election officials in February suggesting ways voter participation can be expanded.  Recommendations include expanding voter registration options, making use of public/private partnerships to distribute voting information, developing communication plans, and expanding poll worker training.