American Democracy Minute for June 10, 2022: State AG Investigates Alleged Voting Machine Tampering by Big Lie Proponents in 11 MI Townships

It’s not only the January 6th committee who has questions about security breaches after the 2020 election. Michigan’s attorney general is pursuing allegations in 11 towns in Michigan of voting machine tampering or the sharing of electronic data from tabulation machines to third parties. The tampering was apparently instigated by local Trump loyalists who believed former President Trump’s now debunked claims of voter fraud.

American Democracy Minute for June 9, 2022: NY Legislature sends John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to the Governor

In November 2021, pro-voter legislators tried to pass the “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the U.S. Senate. Among several reforms, the bill which would have restored some of the protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The bill failed to get the 60 votes needed to override the anti-democracy filibuster. But the State of New York may succeed where the U.S. Senate failed.