Would the Founding Fathers Have Endorsed Unfettered Power for the Presidency?  Not Likely.

Brian took a few days off, so we're revisiting a report from this past July which is even more relevent as the Trump administration takes shape: Would the Founding Fathers Have Embraced Having Unfettered Power for the Presidency? Not Likely. Anti-authoritarian feelings ran high in the years before and after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as the Declaration’s litany of complaints against the King suggests. So it’s unlikely the founding fathers would have supported expansion of Presidential powers, and absolute immunity for “official acts.”

U.S. Supreme Court Allows Virginia to Purge of Alleged Non Citizen Voters Only Days Before the Election, Ignoring Established Federal Law. Eligible Voters Were on the List, Too.

Ignoring established federal law, the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority overturned two lower court decisions and allowed Virginia to continue its purge of suspected registered non citizen voters. News outlets have since confirmed that eligible Virginia voters were among them.